What do security guards do at special events?
Event security ensures the safety and enjoyment of attendees at special events such as conferences and trade shows. The following is a breakdown of the key responsibilities and services provided by event security:
Static post duties:
Employees are positioned at key access points such as security screening stations, to regulate the movement of people, manage traffic, and check tickets.
Mobile event security:
Personnel patrol the venue to identify, inspect, report, and respond to any suspicious or unusual activity.
Access control guards:
Employees regulate the movement of people and direct vehicles to their designated parking lots.
Incident response teams:
Management prepares for and responds to potential problems. They coordinate with other emergency services such as first aid teams, fire departments, and police, as needed.

Professional, licensed event security companies
Security aims to be seamless and innocuous, but effective to give everyone a piece of mind. Do your research before signing any contract with an event security services firm. Look into the company’s management team, and service reviews. Find out if the management does background checks on their employees. Expertise is only achieved through training and previous success at similar venues.
Accidents happen at events, unfortunately, so ensure your event security services team includes first responders proficient in first aid. Also, hire a company that handles cybersecurity if the event involves sensitive information being disclosed or kept somewhere.
Perception is important, and the service team must not have unbefitting search procedures, intimidate spectators, use inappropriate force, accept bribes, allow access without proper ID, or confiscate items that aren’t prohibited.
The importance of security at an event
Security at an event is essential for the safety of guests, staff, and organizers. It promotes cooperation and deters potential criminals, giving organizers peace of mind.
Crowd and alcohol management can be challenging, but professional security personnel can effectively handle potential issues and alert emergency services if necessary. Neglecting safety measures can be seen as negligence.
Suspicious Activity and Imminent Threats
Common incidents security companies witness include: lost and found children or tickets, the need for minor first aid, prohibited items detected at access control points, and spectators seated in the wrong location. Critical incidents that rarely happen but must be accounted for include: planning for fire, terrorist attacks, power failure, gas leaks, hazardous material spills, security system collapse, stage or pitch invasions, crowd panic, and natural disasters.
Importance of controlling groups of people
Crowd managers do amazing work that most people never appreciate. Crowd control is not about having strong and aggressive men bully guests into complying; instead, security professionals must know how to conduct visitors using effective communication and superior customer service. Major events such as the Super Bowl and Winter Olympics give people the false narrative that crowd management is easy, but that’s just because they have a huge budget and resources. Disaster strikes far more vulnerable and regular everyday events with fewer safety precautions. Barred materials can include political posters or protest banners in a venue. Event security may also need to prevent alcohol or drugs into the site or people under the influence because they can cause chaos.
Types of events where security is required
The level of security you’ll need depends on the size, scope, location, and type of event you’re planning. For example, a construction site security company might not have the expertise to handle large volumes of people at sports venues, trade shows, cultural exhibitions, or convention centers.
Entertainment and events
Thefts, robberies, and violent, unexpected attacks might happen at the venue. Security teams and staff in the event must keep an eye on the guests, and everyone involved should have a solid understanding of the appropriate emergency plans to ensure the service is a success.

Congresses and exhibitions
You may receive VIPs with their private securities that need to be briefed on the security plans for the event. Crowd management cannot be overlooked, and everyone involved with safety must spot situations that lead to potential chaos. Event security must do proper ID checks, bag searches, and pat-downs of regular guests.
Social events and celebrations
Security companies must conduct site visits before the event to identify vulnerabilities within the premises and establish a reliable security system. The company you choose forms a risk assessment report, contingency plans, a run-through of the event, and strategic positions for event security to do an excellent job.

Choose top-rated security companies you can trust
S.O.S Private Security has an impeccable track record of providing top-notch security for corporate clients, commercial properties, VIPs, sports teams, awards shows, and private events.
We work closely with event producers to deliver the latest practical solutions from logistics to operation planning. Some of our services include crowd control, traffic management, emergency response planning, and enough trained event security personnel. Contact us today to ensure your event is as secure as Fort Knox, 365 days a year, 24 hours a day.
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Should is an ugly word. It means that there was a better choice. That you made a mistake and that the outcome could have been improved. Our clients never use the word “Should”.